Free Download Books Girl of Myth and Legend (The Chosen Saga  #1)
Girl of Myth and Legend (The Chosen Saga #1) Paperback | Pages: 363 pages
Rating: 3.24 | 194 Users | 121 Reviews

Mention Containing Books Girl of Myth and Legend (The Chosen Saga #1)

Title:Girl of Myth and Legend (The Chosen Saga #1)
Author:Giselle Simlett
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 363 pages
Published:December 29th 2015 by WWS Publishing
Categories:Fantasy. Young Adult. Magic. Paranormal

Narrative Conducive To Books Girl of Myth and Legend (The Chosen Saga #1)

A girl with a past she tries to forget, and a future she can’t even imagine.

Leonie Woodville wants to live an unremarkable life. She wants routine, she wants repetition, she wants predictability. So when she explodes in a blaze of light one morning on the way to her college, it’s enough to put a real crimp in her day.

And things only get weirder…

Leonie learns from her father that she is last of the Pulsar, a phenomenally powerful member of a magical species called the Chosen. It will be her sole duty to protect the Imperium, a governing hierarchy, from all enemies, and to exceed the reputation of the Pulsar before her. So – no pressure there, then.

Leonie is swept away from her rigorous normality and taken to a world of magic. There, she is forced into a ceremony to join her soul to a guardian, Korren, who is both incredibly handsome and intensely troubled, a relationship for which ‘it’s complicated’ just really doesn’t cut it.

But Leonie is soon to learn that this ancient world is no paradise. With violent dissidents intent to overthrow the Imperium, and dark entities with their own agenda, she and Korren find themselves caught in a war where they will have to overcome their differences if they are to survive.

Dare to dream. Dare to hope. Dare to be a legend.

Book One in The Chosen Saga.

List Books Concering Girl of Myth and Legend (The Chosen Saga #1)

Original Title: Girl of Myth and Legend
ISBN: 0994382618 (ISBN13: 9780994382610)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Chosen Saga #1

Rating Containing Books Girl of Myth and Legend (The Chosen Saga #1)
Ratings: 3.24 From 194 Users | 121 Reviews

Comment On Containing Books Girl of Myth and Legend (The Chosen Saga #1)
**I received this ARC copy from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review**I ended up reading this in a day. I almost didn't read it but it's cover was just too stunning to pass over. I was concerned that the main character being "Chosen" would translate to a special but boring person who was capable of everything but who had no substance. Leonie was anything but boring! I thought she was great and liked everything about her. She is was complex, every bit the teenager, brave, loyal and

DNF at 25%5 Words: Not my cup of tea.I just couldn't click with this in the way that I so badly wanted to. I think that this is going to be one of those hit-or-miss books that, like Marmite, you either love or hate.There was too much telling, not enough showing. I felt that it was very repetitive too, and a little wordy. What was a paragraph could have been condensed into a sentence and those second, third and fourth repeats could have been cut out.At 25%, and with my eyes glazing over, I

Rating: 1.5 stars*insane laugh**tries to regain herself*This is gonna be hilarious.Soooooo. Uhm... this book. Let me get one thing straight: I hated this book. Like, I really did. It had everything I would and could never enjoy, all the tropes and clichés that you could ever think about. Annoying main character? Check.Unexplainable insta-love? Check. "The chosen one" complex, where a plain normal teenager becomes the saviour of the world even though they are not that special? Check. Broody love

I really enjoyed Girl of Myth and Legend. I didnt love it but I cant say that I didnt enjoy it. The second half of the novel is much better than the first. I loved the concept of the Chosen and the world the author creates. The first half of the novel develops slowly with Leonie suddenly thrust into this world after awakening and having to deal with revelation after revelation. She copes as well as you would except of a teenage girl suddenly yanked out of the safe but dull life she knows. I

"A land of impossibility, a land made of myth and magic."The GoodThe POV is alternating between our main character, Leonie who is a Chosen and her kytaen, Korren. Kytaens are basically the bodyguard for the Chosen and are considered as tools to use and are not regarded as friends or comrades in arms. The Chosen are broken down into groups based on who has the most magic. These two are very different from all others of their kinds. Leonie was raised in the human realm so she grew up with

I want the next book. I need to know Korrens fate and Leonie will she stay Leonie that Korren trusts and dare I say love? What vision of the future will come true? Can Korren help her? What of Korren and Lorren and their relationship? what is in the urn? What of Sersu? Who is Jupiter really? And Grato what of him? Will Leonie stay away from Imperium as her dad wants? Soo many questions I am left with ugghhhh!!!!The writing is masterful in how it pulls you into the cause of Korren and to an

Rating: 2/5(I received a free copy from the publisher, WWS Publishing Limited, via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.)***Minor spoilers***Leonie has lived a life of routine and sameness for so long. She thinks she's happy with this life, but soon learns that maybe something different is what she needs. Her entire life changes when one day, she suddenly starts glowing, and she feels like she's on fire. When her dad finds her, she expects him to be concerned like any dad would, but he's