Details Books Concering The Island of the World

Original Title: Island of the World
ISBN: 1586172166 (ISBN13: 9781586172169)
Edition Language: English
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The Island of the World Hardcover | Pages: 839 pages
Rating: 4.66 | 1150 Users | 211 Reviews

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The Island of the World is the story of a child born in 1933 into the turbulent world of the Balkans and tracing his life into the third millennium. The central character is Josip Lasta, the son of an impoverished school teacher in a remote village high in the mountains of the Bosnian interior. As the novel begins, World War II is underway and the entire region of Yugoslavia is torn by conflicting factions: German and Italian occupying armies, and the rebel forces that resist themthe fascist Ustashe, Serb nationalist Chetniks, and Communist Partisans. As events gather momentum, hell breaks loose, and the young and the innocent are caught in the path of great evils; their only remaining strength is their religious faith and their families. For more than a century, the confused and highly inflammatory history of former Yugoslavia has been the subject of numerous books, many of them rife with revisionist history and propaganda. The peoples of the Balkans live on the border of three worlds: the Islamic, the orthodox Slavic East, and Catholic Europe, and as such they stand in the path of major world conflicts that are not only geo-political but fundamentally spiritual. This novel cuts to the core question: how does a person retain his identity, indeed his humanity, in absolutely dehumanizing situations? In the life of the central character, the author demonstrates that this will demand suffering and sacrifice, heroism and even holiness. When he is twelve years old, his entire world is destroyed, and so begins a lifelong Odyssey to find again the faith which the blows of evil have shattered. The plot takes the reader through Josip's youth, his young manhood, life under the Communist regime, hope and loss and unexpected blessings, the growth of his creative powers as a poet, and the ultimate test of his life. There are journeys that show him

Describe Based On Books The Island of the World

Title:The Island of the World
Author:Michael D. O'Brien
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 839 pages
Published:December 1st 2007 by Ignatius Press (first published November 15th 2007)
Categories:Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. Christianity. Catholic

Rating Based On Books The Island of the World
Ratings: 4.66 From 1150 Users | 211 Reviews

Notice Based On Books The Island of the World
An achingly sad and beautiful book. Sometimes Josips hardships were overwhelming and I had to put the book down for a few hours, but there was a redemptive thread throughout that kept them from being unbearable. I appreciate the ability of Catholic authors to include suffering in their fiction without facile answers. But I struggled at times to identify with the more mystical elements of Obriens book.Still, this is some of the best storytelling you will ever read. The combination of drama,

"Does something really bad happen?" my husband whispers as I'm weeping inconsolably. Yes. The whole time. Yes. Beauty and heartbreak cover every page. Hope and despair, too. Come, Lord Jesus.

Powerful, beautiful, captivating story. There's a few things about O'Brien's style that kind of annoy me and I wasn't a big fan of the last 50 or so pages, otherwise I was close to giving it 5-stars. Nevertheless, it was difficult to put the book back on the shelf, knowing I'll never be able to experience it all "for the first time" again. That's always a sign of a good book

A story of how brutal circumstances cannot break the beauty of a heart that loves God. You will ache in reading this book, but the ending ache is that of hope. One of the most beautiful novels I've read.

I think if I were a knight, I would be called "Sir Helen, Devourer of Books." Gone with the Wind? Read that baby in two days. The Heaven Tree Trilogy? I liked that one a lot more, so I slowed down... and still finished all three books in as many days. My point is, I read fast. There's nothing wrong with that, most of the time. And then, about a month ago, I went to college. It's hard to just sit down and read, when at any given moment three essays need writing and there's a test day after

An absolute amazing book!

Game changer.