Identify Appertaining To Books The Genius Wars (Genius #3)

Title:The Genius Wars (Genius #3)
Author:Catherine Jinks
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 393 pages
Published:October 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (first published January 1st 2009)
Categories:Young Adult. Fiction. Science Fiction
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The Genius Wars (Genius #3) Hardcover | Pages: 393 pages
Rating: 3.91 | 2244 Users | 167 Reviews

Chronicle In Pursuance Of Books The Genius Wars (Genius #3)

After abandoning a life full of deception and mistrust, fifteen-year-old Cadel has finally found his niche. He has a proper home, good friends and loving parents. He's even studying at university.

But he's still not safe from Prosper English, who's now a fugitive from justice and determined to smash everything that Cadel has struggled to build. When Cadel's nearest and dearest are threatened, he must launch an all-out attack on the man he once viewed as his father.

Can he track down Prosper before it's too late? And what rules will he have to break in the process?

Present Books Conducive To The Genius Wars (Genius #3)

Original Title: The Genius Wars
ISBN: 1741758548 (ISBN13: 9781741758542) URL
Series: Genius #3

Rating Appertaining To Books The Genius Wars (Genius #3)
Ratings: 3.91 From 2244 Users | 167 Reviews

Assessment Appertaining To Books The Genius Wars (Genius #3)
I initially enjoyed this book, thinking that there was going to be more installments of the series later on. However, I've just learned that Catherine Jinks is NOT going to be writing any more of these books, which has left me confused. She believes that she tied up all the loose ends, but I completely disagree. Leaving the series like this seems irresponsible to me as Cadel is left in almost the exact same position he was in at the beginning of the book: unable to trust anyone, always looking

Better than the last book in terms of Cadel actually doing instead of sitting back and whining. But 99% of the book was pure speculation; Cadel saying it must be so-and-so doing this or some other so-and-so doing that. There's no real confirmation that he's right about any of it until halfway through the book, and even then it doesn't answer all the questions. So Cadel goes to extreme lengths to show he's right. The whole book is a bit of a long shot, even given the subject matter and the things

I initially enjoyed this book, thinking that there was going to be more installments of the series later on. However, I've just learned that Catherine Jinks is NOT going to be writing any more of these books, which has left me confused. She believes that she tied up all the loose ends, but I completely disagree. Leaving the series like this seems irresponsible to me as Cadel is left in almost the exact same position he was in at the beginning of the book: unable to trust anyone, always looking

I waited a long time to finish the Cadel-Trilogie. And I still think it deserves a greater audience. But this last installement did not give me the same satisfactions the other two did. For one thing, for the first time, I didn't quite get the tech behind it. Secondly, it was too similar to the other two books. The plot was a bit forseable. Thirdly, there was not nearly enough Sonja this time. And last but not least, the ending felt rushed, inconclusive and unsatisfied.Still, this trilogy is one

1. NOT ENOUGH SONJA2. MORE SONJA3. You have to wonder, at this point, if Cadel is ever going to be okay again. I wish Catherine Jinks would write a new trilogy about Cadel's next ten years in therapy coping with his feelings for Prosper AND the fact that he's totally in love with SONJA4. NEEDS MOOOOORE SONJA PLEEEEEASE5. Not as exhilarating as the others? Not quite as fast-paced. Still really fast-paced, though, I think I finished this faster than I finished Mockingjay, another third in a

One of the worst endings I've ever read. Hands down. Stay away. Finish the second book, imagine a resolution, and move on with your life.I really enjoyed the first ones. The overall concept was unique and I loved that Cadel actually had real problems from his childhood of abuse (something that a lot of author's skip). And he grew from that abuse to someone who was always improving, though still retained the echos of that trauma. Then... this book happened.As others have said, Cadel's development

Have you ever tried to hide from one of the most dangerous people in the world? The genre of my book is realistic fiction because it could really happen.I think its cool how the kids use computer and street to provide for themselves and use street smarts to hide from a antagonist Prosper English they use lots of resources to do what they had to do,they were hacking into computer networks,security networks and even internet networks its pretty cool.I think its fascinating how children can do so